Hello there,
How was everyone's week? mine was good, We were able to teach more people this week (thank heavens) now that people's life's are slowing down because of school. We have been looking in the potential investigators section for a while now and we have been contacting people in there, also we have been given a list from the ward council of people to go and contact, that has been turning out really well too! The weather is still hottish. It should be cooling down soon. (I hope)
We found this part member family a while back and we have been teaching him and invited him to be baptised, he said yes! but in time. So we are working with him slowly but surely. His name is Wade. He is awesome!! He comes to church and he is reading out of the Book of Mormon, he really likes it! It's a huge change for him but he can defiantly feel the spirit. His fiance' and her son are members and I was talking to her yesterday at church about him and she said that he is really changing! She said it is taking time but its amazing on how well the spirit is working on him. I told her about Dwight and the struggles, I also told her how proud he is of me and how he wants to talk in church on Fast Sunday, and how far he has come since the past. She started to smile and cry, I felt like she needed to hear that, turns out she did! She said that that made her feel a lot better. Man I love what I do...
So transfer calls are coming this Saturday, I'm really nervous, anything can happen. Elder Joyner might die here (as a missionary) or may leave. I may leave too. I sure hope I DON"T! this area rocks. It has defiantly been a slow process here but there is so much work to do here. Elder Joyner has been getting kind of trunky so all he talks about is home and the members can tell as well and our Zone Leaders found out and talked to me about it privately, I told them it is true. They told President Merkley, so we will see what happens this Saturday.
It is so crazy that I've been out for this long. It really doesn't feel like it. You all may think other wise tho ha ha! I haven't burned anything at all, I don't have any ugly ties to burn, I'm not going to burn a good tie that I have bought. Sorry to hear about Lauren and her job. I thought she was doing so well there? I'll be praying for her to find a new one soon... Again, I find no suprise what so ever that Lauren and Joey are hanging out so much. We saw this coming before he even left... that good that he treats her well. Thats awesome that she started college. Just the basics this year i'm guessing?
So Jade sent me out a package with a letter for my birthday! I was happy to recieve it. She went to the Harry Potter theme park in Orlando Flordia a month or so ago and got me some souviners! she took pictures of the place too. It's official, I'm going there, no matter what!! It looks so cool!!! I was really jealous.
I went on exchanges with Elder Bartholomew, one of the Zone leaders, (in the picture) he is really awesome!!! I had a blast with him, we were talking untill really late and he asked me if I think that I am ready to take on being a senior companion yet. I told him absolutly, I'd be scared and nervous for a while but I know that I can take it. If I become Senior companion here, that would mean that I would be District Leader I told him that I can do that too. He agrees with me 100% So we will see! Even tho he has no control on what goes on with transfers, It was great to hear that...
We gave a talk in church yesterday, It was on Missionary work (duh!) It went really well! I focused my talk on D&C 4 the best missionary scripture. I broke it down and explained it easier. Elder Joyner talked on member missionary work. It all went great!!! Well, that is about it for me, I hope you all have a great week!!! love you all!!
Elder Daniel Stuart
Hi, I was just wonder if you keep in touch with Elder Bartholomew..If you do, please tell him that Mily has been looking to contact him.
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