Hey there!
So, this week was pretty good, we were able to teach more people! Thank heavens... Unfortunately, no one came to church. It is still somewhat slow but I know it will change soon. Bishop asked us whats going on with the work and we told him that its just been really slow and not just us, there are also many other areas that are the same. It's all because school is out and people are out of town. Thankfully, school is starting up this coming week, so things should be back to normal. The Bishop and members of the ward council gave us a list of people to see that could possibly have people for us, so we are giving that a shot! I'm very grateful for a loving ward to serve in and are willing to help.
So we were at a members home the other day. The Zonts and I was talking to sister Zonts and she knows that my birthday is Saturday and she wants your number to ask you about my favorite foods that you like to make me. She is also a baker and she makes the best cupcakes that I have ever tasted in my whole life! her husband is so hilarious! We joke around every time we see each other. That is just one example of a family that I love dearly and how wonderful they are. The University ward is awesome too! Its a little different when it comes to missionary work, but I'm getting the hang of it. A lot of members in that branch are leaving to go back to college this week and it is going to be very weird this Sunday when I don't see the usual people. I was talking to one of them that are leaving and he said : "Well, I guess I'll see you on the other side huh?" Then I said: " Yeah, or on Facebook." He said: "Oh yeah! I forgot!!! Thank heavens for that!" Haha!!! He is so cool!
So we had Zone Conference this week, it went great!!! We watched a video about real missionaries going into a part member/less active home and reactivating them and also converting his wife, she was in tears before she went into the font. This made me think of Dwight and it started to make me cry as well. Man, the spirit was so strong at that moment. Gave me goosebumps. We had a lot of instruction from President Merkley and the Assistants and the Vehicle Coordinator, Elder Bond. I loved it all! until when Elder Bond told us that there is going to be a huge change with the vehicles in the mission. We are now in a car share with the Elm Creek elders, that I don't mind at all, they need it! But we are also losing 150 miles on our vehicle. (We are only limited to driving a certain amount of miles each month.) So, its going to be pretty interesting on how this goes. Thankfully, losing our miles wont start until the first of September. But we are going to give Elm Creek a break and start the car swap on Wednesday. I guess that that is what members are for, huh? We are really going to have to rely on them much more.
On the bright side, the weather last week was awesome!!! there were so many rainstorms and it really dropped the temperature! in around the 70's! One day, it must of been a high of 80 degrees! We finally gave our AC in our car a rest! man, Oklahoma has the oddest weather in the world! we set the state record for the hottest day, which was about 115 or 118 and now we broke the state record for most rain. It needs to rain more tho. I wish it was now.
That is great to hear that you are doing service, Mom. We need more people in the world that are willing to do service out of pure love, not forcing. That is also awesome to hear that Grandma and Grandpa are still there! So, Remember when I told you about the members that lived here and moved to Indianapolis? well I got a letter from them and they love that place!! They also told me that the 2012 Superbowl will be held there! Mom, you and Dwight need to get tickets for us now! especially since I'll be home!!! Too bad that the Colts won't play there tho. Dang rules.....
I miss you too, Mom and don't worry about it, time is going by so fast, I cannot believe it at all! Where is that kid going on his mission?! Dillon was telling me there is a friend of his that just got here to serve and he went to school at Arbor View! I have to meet him to see is if I recognize him! Who knows, Maybe I'll serve with him. Thanks for sending me off a package, I can't wait for it! I love you all and I hope you have a great week!!!
Love, Elder Daniel Stuart
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