Hello there!
Sorry for not e-mailing you yesterday, It was Columbus day and the Library was closed. No matter, yesterday was freaking awesome!!!! We had another Capture the Flag game with our Zone and the other one. This one was WAY more fun then the last one. We won, again! This time it was 5-1 instead on 4-1 lol. It was located at the same place as well. I have pictures too so be sure to post them on the blog. :) So I'm sort of splitting my preparation day in half. Before I go on with the letter, I did get the package! thanks a lot! I LOVED it all! (especially the camel ha ha) I loved the pictures too, the only problem is that I still don't know what my house looks like... It's okay tho, I'll see it sooner or later. So as I told you last week, We moved into the Johnson's house last weekend and it's going pretty good. They are very nice and polite people, always willing to do stuff for us. They have a small farm that consists of some ducks, two cows, and two donkeys. My first morning there, President Johnson captured a possum in a small cage that had dog food in it. I guess they like that kind of food. This one looked like it had rabies. It has been killing a lot of there ducks. Pretty interesting day.
On Sunday, we ate at the Nielsens house. In case you forgot, that is where I last lived. It was great being there again. After we left a spiritual thought, we talked for a while and Bishop and Sister Nielsen both told me that they are extremely proud of me and the hard work and dedication that I have put into this ward. I've really turned this place around since I've been here. I'm not trying to be boast full, but that did make me feel better about myself! and Elder Chriss is doing a fantastic job here as well! We both switch off the lessons really well and get along just fine. I spoke with President Merkley during interviews a month ago and he asked me how my area is doing, I flat out told him that I absolutely love this area I don't want to leave for a while. I also told him that I know that I don't have a say in what happens for transfers, ONLY he does, but I really want to stay here for a while. He nodded his head and said: " Well, Elder Stuart, This is your area and your doing a great job here, so i'd like to keep you here for a while." Now, there is no guarantee that this will happen, so we'll see. It's wherever the Lord wants me, and I'm cool with it. :) Oh yeah, awesome to hear about the Wedding date! who is all going!?!? Now, on with the letter........
This week was pretty good! We picked up a new investigator, Koalby. His Mother is a member and he's ten. We taught him the Restoration and invited him to be baptized and he accepted! The Mom said that her Husband, Non member, wants him to be baptized only if Koalby is absolutly sure that it is what he wants to do. So we haven't set a date yet. But we will soon! I told the mother not to worry about it, I know exactly how she feels. As for the rest of out investigators, they are doing good. One of them is feeling a little stressed out with all that is going on, so we are trying to take it easy with him. Baby steps, very small baby steps he he. And for another investigator, he and his son, who is also investigating are struggling with the Word of Wisdom, they both smoke. So we are going to work with that when we see them next time.
I went on Exchanges with my District leader on Wednesday, that went really good. Elder Fullmer is a awesome missionary, I respect him a lot. He goes home in 8 weeks. His companion is brand new, like 5 weeks old ha ha . Other than that, not much has happened. I hope that you feel better soon! and I'll talk to you next week! Love you!!
Elder Daniel Stuart
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